Frequently Asked Questions

What will be available if I need a doctor after-hours?

For those patients who need after-hours medical advice, these are the options available:
   – Nurse on call 1300 60 60 24 (Free service)
   – Doctor on call 1800 022 222 (Free service)
   – For medical emergencies call the ambulance service on 000

You may also present to the Beechworth Health Service Urgent Care Centre for Nurse assessment and a possible My Emergency Doctor telehealth consultation.

We encourage you to ensure that your ambulance insurance coverage is up to date, or that you qualify for automatic eligibility (please refer to White Pages for the Freecall number).

While we endeavour at all times to provide an appointment with the doctor of your choice, sometimes this is not possible. We suggest that you book well in advance if you need a regular appointment.

We have “book on the day” appointments available for patients who need urgent medical care and these appointments are mostly available with the “oncall” doctor rostered for that day.

The practice is staffed by appropriately qualified doctors and your medical records are available to all doctors working at the practice.

Flu vaccinations are available annually.

Influenza can cause very severe illness, particularly in the elderly and in people with certain medical conditions. People considered to be at “higher risk” receive the vaccine free of charge through the Government’s immunisation program. They include:

  • anyone aged 65 or older
  • all ATSI individuals aged 6-months to <5-years, and 15-years +
  • pregnant women
  • individuals aged 6 months to <5-years
  • individuals aged 5-years and over with medical conditions predisposing to severe influenza eg cardiac disease, asthma, diabetes

The vaccine is available for purchase from the surgery for anyone 6 months and older who wishes to be protected from influenza.

An appointment needs to be made for the administration of the vaccine. These appointments are bulk billed.

You may like to read more about Influenza here.

Your medical record is a confidential document.

It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.

The Beechworth Surgery Privacy Policy can be viewed here.

This practice complies with Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), which can be viewed here.

We hold a Patient Participation Survey on a regular basis where you are asked for your anonymous opinions on important aspects of the service. Answers are evaluated independently. We welcome positive and negative comments, and the results help us to serve you better.

However, if you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you receive from either clinic, we would like to know about it. Please feel free to talk to your doctor, our Practice Manager, or one of the receptionists about any problems you have with the service we provide.

The Health Services Commissioner protects your health rights and may be contacted toll free on 1800 136 066 (or write to Health Services Commissioner, 30th Floor, 570 Bourke St , Melbourne , 3000).

We do collect statistics, such as number of patients, patient age, and what diseases are treated in our practice.

This information is collected as numbers only. Your personal information is never attached to those statistics.

Doctors will endeavour to return important phone calls at the end of a session. Alternatively, a receptionist may obtain the answer and respond.

GPs do not have emails, so please ring the Surgery if you need to communicate with your doctor.

Non-urgent general enquiries can to be sent to