We’re offering $1000 rewards to the Beechworth and district community group of your choice when you find a doctor that commits to working at the Beechworth Surgery. There are three $1000 rewards available.
We continue to be affected by the national doctor shortage with fewer appointments available than are required for our community. We know this is frustrating for you, our patients. We continue to try new ways to recruit more GPs.
We have engaged a UK-based specialist doctor recruitment agency to find additional GPs for Beechworth and you can read more about our other recruitment activities here.
Some of our patients have asked what they can do to help. As we all want timely access to a GP, we want to explore existing connections the community may have with doctors. By working together, we may find additional doctors. And community groups will receive funds to assist in the good work they do.
We are asking individuals, community groups and businesses to help spread the word about the doctor search. You can support the campaign by talking to doctors you know who don’t currently work here, family, friends and sharing information online or directly to your community group members or business subscribers.
You can also write to members of parliament:
We’ve drafted a letter you can adjust and send via email or post. Click Here to download the letter.
If you have ideas for other ways you would like to promote the campaign, we’d love to hear from you. Please email pracmanager@beechworthsurgery.com.au
Community groups and businesses wanting to support the search can register here and we will send you materials for social media, newsletters and posters and/or postcards for your business.
We’d also like to capture stories from the campaign. Let us know your reason for getting involved, how you took part and if you are part of a community group or business, what you did to promote the search.
Tell your friends and family about Find Doctors For Beechworth, whether they live locally or in other parts of Australia. And if you or they know a doctor, ask the doctor if he/she is interested in working in Beechworth. If they are, ask how they would like to be put in touch with us. Then please let us know through one of the means detailed below.
Our role is to help them to move here. That includes migration sponsorship, relocation allowances and any assistance they may need. We’ll help them, their partner and family with community connections that align with their personal interests and needs.
If a doctor you know expresses interest, you can either:
When the doctor starts work here your nominated community group will receive the reward.
To be eligible for the reward, the nominated community group:
The doctor must be a vocationally trained GP, commonly referred to as a VR GP. This is a medical practitioner who has completed accredited vocational training programs in general practice or a specific medical specialty.
Funds are paid to the community group once the doctor starts work with Beechworth Surgery.
This campaign runs from mid December 2024 until 31 May 2025.
Beechworth Surgery’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the campaign are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Thank you for helping us Find Doctors For Beechworth.